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Stop horsing around with VAT! I am a pretty calm person by nature, but a few things do get my blood pressure rising. There is one particular thing that has been happening quite a lot lately so I have decided to make this month’s column a bit of a mini-rant, with a warning to… Continue reading »
Xmas Party raises over £3,000 for homeless charity An amazing £3,261 was raised for the charity, CRISIS, following Dr Nilesh R. Parmar’s recent fundraising event, the Ice White Xmas Party. He said, “The event was a huge success, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who attended and helped… Continue reading »
Tooth Whitening… wasn’t it always illegal? The plot thickens… Tooth whitening has always been a bit of a government farce. We can take a lot of delight in blaming our own government and the EU (we like doing that, don’t we?). Just to make things clear, tooth whitening was illegal up until 1st Nov 2012.… Continue reading »
This year I was lucky to be invited to attend the annual International Academy of Advanced Facial Aesthetics yearly conference. This consists of a 2 day conference with parallel sessions of interest to those involved with facial rejuvenation and dentistry. The brainchild of the charismatic Professor Bob Khanna, the conference aims to bring together all… Continue reading »
Earlier this year, I was asked to present some of my work in Las Vegas, on behalf of Sirona, a dental company. My first thought was er… me? My second thought was VEGAS BABY! Now, this trip was during a very busy clinical time for me, but nobody can say No to a trip to… Continue reading »
Youngest in the top 10! Every year, Dentistry magazine (one of the leading UK dental publications) has a poll, which is voted by dentists, nurses, hygienists and public alike. The idea of this poll, is to see, just who is steering UK dentistry. Who are the m overs and shakers, and who really makes a difference… Continue reading »
I was pleased to hear that I have been approved as an ADi mentor, the ADi is a non-profit association which aims to educate dentists and patients about dental implants and holds an annual conference and various study clubs around the country. They are very strict about who they allow to mentor, which is why… Continue reading »
I was glad to be invited at a new Astra Tech event at the Audi Quattro Rooms last week. Astra under the guidance of their new marketing manager are really going the extra step to communicate with their dentists. The symposium was exceptionally slick and the speakers were great. Congrats to all involved!
Dear all, this week was even better than usual, I found out I have been nominated and short-listed for the Outstanding Individual Of The Year at the Private Dentistry Awards 2011. We will find out the winner this November 4th in Central London.. wish me luck!
I am pleased to announce that after submitting my application, I am now a dental phobia certified dentist. What does this mean? Well if you are a nervous patient, and lets face it, most of us are… I know how to calm you down! My very nervous patients can be sedated using a safe I.V… Continue reading »