


Cerec 27 and a half, Las Vegas

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Earlier this year, I was asked to present some of my work in Las Vegas, on behalf of Sirona, a dental company. My first thought was er… me? My second thought was VEGAS BABY! Now, this trip was during a very busy clinical time for me, but nobody can say No to a trip to Vegas, staying at the amazing Palozzo hotel and resort! The Cerec machine, more info can be found here is a system which allows a dentist to make crowns, bridges, veneers and inlays in one sitting, without having to take any moulds. The US is about 3-4 years ahead of us in terms of uptake, us Brits appear to be a little bit behind our American cousins, and my main purpose in being the only Brit to lecture, was to show the Yanks, that we are just as good! We cannot compete with Cerec users, they have thousands, and we have hundreds ( I believe), but we do compare favourably when it comes to good ole’ cosmetic dentistry. I lectured on my birthday (another first for me) to a full audience, and received an offer to lecture again in the US later on this year. Great result! The lecture was really well received, and I hope I showed the Americans that we are just as good as them, when it comes to implant dentistry! I never thought I would be lecturing at one of the biggest conferences in the USA, I was a little nervous, but the Americans are so friendly, it really put me at ease! I look forward to going back… Now if you want to know what else happened… well what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas 😉



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